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HomeCode of Conduct
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Up the Creek Ski and Recreation Club (“UTC” or “Club”) Code of Conduct1 supports the enjoyment of indoor and outdoor activities. We require mutual respect among participants, so that all can enjoy our activities to the fullest. To enable this, we have a Code of Conduct procedures for addressing issues, and sanctions for those who do not respect others. When someone participates in a trip, activity, or an event, and especially those that volunteer to be Trip Leader(s) these people shall adhere to this Code of Conduct. 

1.     Behavior, Respect, and Integrity. Members and Guests AND Trip Leaders shall:

  • Maintain a companionable environment that is free of profanity, sexist or sexually explicit language, threats, violence, or hurtful actions.
  • Respect the integrity and dignity of everyone present and the establishment of where you might be by not disrupting the enjoyment of other participants and nearby patrons with disruptive behavior.
  • Participants shall behave responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which will not damage the reputation, bring negative attention, or liability to the Club, its activities, and its participants (including venue, customers, and employees at such event).
  • UTC does not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying. Zero tolerance of: physical contact and/or harm of another (which includes: slapping, spitting, verbal abuse, threats, texts, emails, and photos).
  • Trip Leader(s) shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct.
  • Participants shall not arrive, attend, or depart from any Club trip/activity/event severely impaired by alcohol, cannabis, drugs, or medication. In addition, the use or sale of illegal substances is not permitted during any Club activity whatsoever.
  • Trip Leader(s)  shall not be impaired at any time during their trip. They shall be abstinent from illegal or immoderate use of alcohol and drugs. Guideline to follow:
  • Trip Leader(s) shall meet below the limit of the national driving impaired guidelines. Even though the trip leader is not driving, this guideline is a good way to judge impairment while running a trip / event.
  • In all 50 states, the legal limit for drunk driving is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08.
  • A 120-pound female can reach this level of intoxication after only two drinks.
  • A 180-pound male can be drunk at .08 after only four drinks.

We expect all participants including the Trip Leader(s) to be courteous and respectful to everyone. This includes being courteous to any renegades / non-paying people present.

  • We do not accept any form of discrimination.
  • We abide by state and local laws.
  • We require that participants are over the age of 21.

2.     Safety.  As a Club, we are committed to promoting the safety of participants.

  • Those taking part in UTC trips/activities/events are responsible for their own safety and must be attentive to the safety of others.
  • They shall follow the directions of the trip leader(s).

3.     Be Respectful. All Participants will leave their surroundings in a satisfactory condition.

  • ‘Leave no trace’ when you leave.
  • Practice environmentally clean behavior by making sure everything is picked up and cleaned up during Club trips/activities/events.
  • Respect the outdoors and make allowance for others’ enjoyment of nature.  


4.     Fiscal Responsibility. Participants are fiscally responsible.

  • Trip Leader(s) will be responsible for returning ALL items (used or unused) within 48 hours of a trip to the Winter or Summer Chair. An example, if you purchase paper products for a trip then anything left over should be returned. If you purchase alcohol and there is any leftover this shall be returned within 48 hours. The Club will then use these items for an upcoming event.
  • Trip Leader(s) will be responsible for turning in all receipts within one week of the trip.
  • All Participants (“members and guests”) who sign up for trips, activities and events are committed to payment, regardless of whether or not they eventually attend.
  • All participants must read and abide by our No Refund Policy, which is found on our website.
  • Each participant assumes full responsibility for any damages he or she may cause while participating in a Club event.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy. 

  • All participants shall not share his or her login information.
  • Participants shall not disclose any contact or personal information about participants to others.  

6. Commercial Activity. Participants shall not promote any products or services nor disclose participants’ contact information for such purposes.

At our trips/activities/events:

  • Participants and/or guests of the Club shall not engage in any type of solicitation or promotion that does not have to do with UTC Club sponsored trips/activities/events.
  • Participants may not distribute business cards or promotional swag at any Club event, unless a business card is requested by another Participant.
  • Flyers, brochures, signs, printed materials, etc., relating to solicitation for non-club business, political, or charitable activities shall not be displayed or distributed at Club events by Participants or Participants’ guests without prior consent by the Board of Directors.
  • Participants shall not approach other participants, or contact participants by phone, mail or e-mail, in order to solicit or advertise non-club business, or promote political or charitable causes.
  • Participants who feel they have received prohibited solicitations from another participant may notify the President or Board of Director(s) of such conduct.

 7.     Communication. Information deemed important for distribution to the entire Club must be approved by the Board and distributed by the Winter/Summer Chair. Trip Leader(s) must communicate to the Winter or Summer Chair and not go directly to the board for approval. The procedure in place is for the Trip Leader to go to the Chair and the Chair will communicate to the board.

8.     Compliance. Participants are required to abide by: all local laws; the Code of Conduct, Trip Leaders Manual, Refund Policy, and the Club Bylaws; and the policies of our venues, resorts, transportation providers and other partners. Participants and Trip Leader(s) are responsible for providing accurate and honest information as required by the Club for all trips/activities/events.

How to respond to a Breach of the Up the Creek Code of Conduct: If you are participating in a UTC trip/activity/event and you experience an incident in which the Club’s Code of Conduct is violated, report it to the trip leader or a board member immediately. They will intervene as required. The Trip Leader(s) is also required to report to the Winter/Summer Chair. If a violation of the Code of Conduct occurs while on a trip/activity/event, a participant may be asked to leave immediately and at his/her own expense – they will not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid. When the Chair receives an incident report or is notified of any violation of the Code of Conduct, they will follow up and investigate and report all findings to the board. This may involve contacting and talking with other participants who were present when the incident/behavior occurred.

Responsibility and Consequences: As an Up the Creek Ski and Recreational Club participant, you are ultimately responsible for observing the Club’s Code of Conduct and meeting acceptable standards of self-discipline and ethical conduct. Any breach of the Code of Conduct in your dealings with your fellow Club Participants and the general public may result in appropriate consequences, up to and including dismissal from the Club.





Up the Creek (UTC) is a non-profit, volunteer-based ski & recreation group whose mission is to promote activities for adult men and women in the Denver metro area.