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About this event
Pick up: Federal Center RTD Station
11601 West 2nd Place, Lakewood
Join us for a truly fun experience with your UTC friends & guests on the “Snow-ffeur” Day bus! The day buses are a great way to get up to the ski areas and socialize with other members and guests. The Ski Bus is a luxury motor coach that can accommodate up to 50 people, with a bathroom, great scenic views, plenty of leg room; and usually can drop us off right by the ski lifts. Snacks, drinks, and music on the ride home!
Meeting Spot: RTD Federal Center Station - 11601 West 2nd Place in Lakewood. Departure Time: 6:30AM – Plan on arriving 30 minutes prior to departure! If you can not be on time, then be early! Lift tickets not included.
Look for the Arrow Stage Lines bus at the south east corner of the parking lot by South Routt Street and 2nd Place. The bus will drop off at Copper Mountain at approximately 9:00 am, then continue onward and arrive at the Transportation Center in Vail at 9:40 am. (Some buses will have a group that does Cross Country or Snow Shoeing.)
On the ride home the ski bus will leave Vail at 4:30 P.M., pick up at Copper Mtn at 5:00 P.M. and arrive back in Denver at or about 7:30 P.M., weather and traffic permitting.
Dues paying Up The Creek Club members: $50 per person MEMBERS: DON'T FORGET TO LOGIN
Non-Members, Guests, and MeetUp members: $65 per person NOT A MEMBER? BECOME A MEMBER
SATURDAY, December 2nd & 9th, 2023. January 6th & 20th; February 3rd & 24th; March 2nd, 16th & 30th, 2024.
Federal Center RTD Station
11601 West 2nd Place · Lakewood, CO
Look for the big “Arrow Stage Lines” motor coach in the South Eastern corner of the RTD Parking Lot. It is by 2nd Place and South Routte Street, across from the hospital.
REFUNDS / NOTES: We must have 25 people signed up by Noon on Wednesday for the bus to go - if the bus does not run and you have paid for a spot, your funds will be credited to your online UtC account for use on another bus trip, winter trip or activity. At the end of the ski season we will refund any money in your account. If you are NOT a member, we will refund your trip cost upon cancellation.
Cancellation Policy -
If you sign up and pay for a day bus and you can't make it for any reason, please call, email, or text the bus leader to cancel, and UtC will transfer your payment to a different day bus. Please give the trip leaders as much notice as possible and UTC will do its best to accommodate you. If you are sick with a cold or flu, we do not want you on the bus! You can call, text or email the bus leader to cancel for sickness as late as 6 am the day of the bus. You have to contact us to get credit for this bus event, simple "No Shows" will forfeit their payment.
Refunds -
Up The Creek’s policy is to hold ski bus refunds until the end of the ski season. If you have paid for a day bus and can't make it, or if the bus is cancelled, UTC will hold your payment for another current ski season day bus. At the end of the ski bus season, any individuals with any outstanding day bus credits will be issued a refund check or credit back to your credit card.
See our Terms of Participation: Terms of Participation
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
Cancellation Policy:
Up The Creek’s policy is to hold ski bus refunds until the end of the ski season. If you have paid for a day bus and can't make it, or if the bus is cancelled, UTC will hold your payment for another current ski season day bus. At the end of the ski bus season, any individuals with any outstanding day bus credits will be issued a refund check or credit to your credit card used to pay for the bus.
52 Total Slots
52 Available Slot(s)